These individual motors can be purchased to replace an old motor or used as a backup. Many Kaf O Matic® users ask us for a seperate engine when the performance lessens of an old one. This is usually only after at least 6 years.
You can now choose from several engine models.
Our standard motor with a constant blowing speed which has been sold for many years. This engine has proven itself for years as a blower for the Kaf O Matic Birdseed recycler. The engine has recently been tested again and updated with a more powerful engine. This engine works best for fine bird seed. This motor can be used with 240 volts and comes with a type C powerplug.
3,7" x 2,9" x 2,6" (W x H x D)
standard motor 230V, motor extra 110V to 240V or 2x AA 1.5V batteries